Privacy Policy for

The protection of your data is very important to us. We would like to inform you about the processing of personal information before using our services and offers. Personal data is all information that can be linked to you, such as your name, first name, address, IP address, etc..

Purpose and foundation of the processing of personal data

The legal basis for the recording of personal data is the DSGVO. Art. 6. The collected data is needed by us for the fulfillment of our services, conducting contractual measures, advertising purposes and to meet legal obligations. For the processing of personal data, we enter your consent or point out that we capture data.

Information about cookies

We use cookies to optimize our website. These are small text files that are stored in the main memory of your computer. Some cookies are deleted after closing the browser. Other cookies remain on your computer and recognize you again on the next visit. You can save the storage of cookies by selecting ""Cookies"" in your browser settings. But this can result in a functional limitation of our offers. We use cookies for e.g. Shopping cart with content, payment operations, user login or pictureUploads u.a.

Inquire e-mail

If you send us an e-mail, we save and process the transmitted information to answer the request. This data is stored on our servers and not passed on to third parties or third countries outside the European Union.

Automatic log files

The server automatically saves log files. These are text files that involves information about browser type, browser version, Referrer URL, Host Name of the Accessing Calculator (IP), Time of Server Request. These data are not associated with any of the above mentioned data. These data serve the defense of hacker attacks, defense against bots, spider or for error analyzes.


We use the supplier Strato AG, Pascalstraße 10, 10587 Berlin for the provision of our Internet platform. This means that the server is located with all data thereon in the location or branches of the hosting provider (Germany). We store all personal and non-personal data on this server. This also applies to data backups. Compliance with this privacy policy and the required security measures (spatial security measures and software protection) is contractually guaranteed.

PartnerShop Sprd.Net AG (Partner Cookies)

This shop uses a partner platform of Spreadshirt (SPRD.NET AG) for the execution of the designer position and ordering process. Spreadshirt itself also uses cookies for the execution of your services. All personal data are transmitted and processed to spreadshirt. Please read the spreadshirt Privacy Policy by.

We see this type of cookies as technically necessary.

Collection of Usual Behavior with Matomo (Tracking Cookie)

For an assessment of our offer, we use anonymised data in connection with the analysis tool MATOMO. Only then is we possible to constantly improve and expand the offer for you. This data is stored on our servers and not passed on to third parties or third countries outside the European Union.

Google Ads, Microsoft Bing Ads (Tracking Cookie)

We use on our site tracking tools of Google Ads and Mircosoft Bing Ads for the analysis and optimization of our online offer. These tools allow us to switch us targeted advertisements or give information which showed ads for sale. Cookies are stored on the used device.

Your rights for processing this data

Your data will be deleted or restricted according to DSGVO, if it is no longer required. Please note that according to German specifications there is a certain retention period of 10 years for recordings, management reports, booking documents, trade books, for taxation relevant documents, etc. In the case of an assertion of the right of deletion of personal data, all data is removed, but not the aforementioned accounting documents before the statutory deadline.

You have the right to request information, correction, transfer, revocation or deletion of your personal data. Please contact us to check the technical feasibility.

You can contradict the consent to us at any time by clicking on this link reset.